Course Description

What if marketing could feel exactly how you want it to feel?

Easy. Abundant. Relaxed. Fun. Inspiring. And so amped up with inner and outer alignment, it feels downright spiritual?

Marketing doesn’t have to be icky and pushy – in fact, effective marketing is the opposite: in alignment with you and your core values, compassionate, and mindfully communicated.

Do you feel like marketing just doesn't work? Is a waste of money? Feel that developing your clinical skills, thinking positive and "giving it more time" is the only choice you have? Then this course is for you.

Step-by-step I walk you through a process that will teach you how to create a powerful message. It involves a paradigm shift in the way you look at marketing and communicating with your patients so that you can forever create demand for your services in a way that feels authentic and comfortable to you.

This program includes exercises and action steps that will support you and is PACKED with useful tools. I provide lessons, exercises, and videos that will walk you through the process. The videos are generally less than 10 minutes each, will fit into your busy life, and are designed for you to be able to engage, absorb, and use the information without being bored or overwhelmed.

I’m confident this program can help you if you’ve ever said anything like:

  • "Marketing is a waste of money and doesn't work"
  • “Patients are always saying they can't afford acupuncture"
  • “I’m frustrated and discouraged.”
  • “I’m just not making enough to make ends meet. I never seem to get ahead.”
  • “Maybe I just don’t have what it takes.”
  • “I’m not making a difference."

By the end of the course you'll:

  • Address the most common misconceptions + mindset blocks around marketing that hold us back
  • Understand what marketing REALLY is and how it REALLY works
  • Know how to design marketing that FEELS like YOU, authentic and real
  • Know how to design marketing materials that communicate what you do so that it really resonates with people and makes them want to take action
  • Discover and hone in on the three crucial things you MUST know in order for your marketing to be effective
  • And so much more

It’s time to change the game on marketing acupuncture. Because you and your medicine are amazing and the world needs you.

I can't wait to share this info with you. I'll see you there!

Dr. Katie Altneu DTCM FABORM

Hello there! I'm Katie. I’m an acupuncturist and herbalist with a practice I love in Denver, Colorado. I've gone through the journey of creating a busy practice. I've learned things the hard way, in the trenches. I've also taught the Business/Practice Management class at CSTCM for four years. My previous career was in economics and finance. I love merging these two worlds. I love our medicine and I'm dying to help other acupuncturists learn the business and marketing tools they need to fuel their practice success. I started creating these resources for acupuncturists online because I want to give you access to the information I wish I would have had from the beginning.As any silly, serious, strategic, personal or professional questions come up, please give me a shout. I’m always delighted to hear from you. Fire off any questions to me at [email protected]. If there is anything I can do to serve you, just ask.You deserve a business and a life you love. I can help.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • I'm so glad you're here

  • 2

    Map Your Profit-making World-Changing Vision

    • Your Vision - Root Down to Rise Up

    • Creating Connection

    • "Start with why"

    • Your Why - Growth Assignment

    • Meaningful Marketing

    • Your Vision - Growth Assignment

    • Nothing Happens Unless First a Dream

    • Your Dream - Growth Assignment

    • You've Laid the Foundation!

  • 3

    Building trust, connection, and confidence with your potential patients

    • Branding: for connection + trust

    • Brand Identity Checklist

    • Expertise Growth Assignment

  • 4

    Blasting Through the Marketing Energy Blocks that Hold Us Back

    • The Truth about Marketing

    • The Power of Resonance

    • So THAT's what good marketing is about

    • Marketing Blocks Growth Assignment

    • Marketing 101

  • 5

    Your Dream Patient and Greatest Results

    • Stop Being So General

    • Finding Your People

    • Identify Deeper Needs & Desires

    • Needs & Desires Growth Assignment

    • Communicating Your Value

    • The Real Benefit

    • Benefits Growth Assignment

    • What You're Really Offering

    • Target Market Growth Assignment

  • 6

    Design a Winning Communication Strategy

    • Developing Your Message

    • What Your Patients Think Growth Assignment

    • Finding Your Message

    • Honing Your Message Growth Assignment

    • The power of your personal story

    • Crafting Your Bio Assignment

    • It's Not All About You

  • 7

    Marketing is like gardening

    • Don't be a Forager

    • Thinking Like a Gardener

    • Sowing Seeds - Website

    • How to Tweak Your Website to Make People Want to Work With You

    • Website Tweaks Funsheet

    • Sowing Seeds - Networking

    • Sowing Seeds - Speaking

    • Tips for Speeches That Wow

    • Fertilize Your Garden

    • Keep In Touch Plan

    • New Patient Email Series

    • Keep In Touch Retention Actions

    • Build Relationships of Trust

    • Utilizing Google Adwords (Cost) Effectively

    • Google Adwords Cheatsheet

  • 8

    Show up EXACTLY when they need you

    • DIY Search Engine Optimization

    • SEO - 10 Steps to Page 1

  • 9

    Social media to share your message and connect

    • Soulful + Savvy Social media masterclass

    • The Content Matrix

  • 10

    Build your authority

    • Building your authority

    • Building your authority - choosing your medium

    • Content Brainstorm

    • Tips for creating & sharing your content

    • Don't feel like an "authority"? That's ok :)

  • 11

    Craft + Implement your plan

    • Your one-page marketing plan

    • Formulating A Plan

    • Big Rocks First Demo

    • Avoiding Burnout & Overwhelm

    • Action Plan

  • 12

    Bonuses for you!

    • How Should I Say That?

    • How does acupuncture work infographic

    • Effective Systems Funsheet

    • Tools & Resources to Streamline Your Business

    • Rock Your About Page

    • Copywriting Tips

  • 13

    15 CEU Credits

    • How to Get Credit

    • CEU Assessment- email this to me at [email protected]

    • Program Evaluation for CEUs

  • 14

    You did It!

    • Thank you and bon voyage!


5 star rating

If your wondering how to Market your practice, START HERE!

Michael Savalli

This is a long course, but so worth the time. Katie leads you on a journey towards finding the best marketing approach that suits YOU. You'll develop insig...

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This is a long course, but so worth the time. Katie leads you on a journey towards finding the best marketing approach that suits YOU. You'll develop insights and skills that will help you market your services with CONFIDENCE. If you watch the course, and do the exercises, you are guaranteed to feel more confident in your marketing by the time you finish. If you're like me, and kind of unsure, or wishy-washy about marketing, do yourself a favor and take this course. You will not regret it!

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5 star rating

It doesn't get better than this!

Amy L.

I'm so glad I signed up for this course! I feel like I can go out there with full confidence, knowing that I will succeed at keeping my current clients and ...

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I'm so glad I signed up for this course! I feel like I can go out there with full confidence, knowing that I will succeed at keeping my current clients and attracting those that I want to work with. This course has been an eye opening experience. Like most acupuncturists I didn't get this much information in school on marketing or any business strategies for that matter. Katie's course is very organized and her strategies are fool proof! I have already increased my practice by 45% and that's only in a matter of 2 months, I can't wait to see what will happen in the next few months! If you haven't signed up yet, DO IT! Don't second guess this course, it's definitely worth it! Katie's spunky fun-loving attitude shines through in her videos and she addresses common mistakes with step by step solutions on how to fix them . I believe that she truly cares about our industry's success and only wants the best for us-- her colleagues. Let's keep fighting the good fight and make our medicine mainstream, but it starts with us in our practices, so sign up! I highly recommend Acuprosper!

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  • $397.00

    $397.00Attract More Acupuncture Patients

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